Privacy Pact

Hey Beautiful Souls,

Welcome to Variyat, where our fashion is as comfy as your favorite PJs. Let's talk about privacy – we promise it's as easy as picking your go-to outfit!

1. What We Collect: Just the basics: your name, address (for sending you goodies), and a digital high-five when you hang out on our site.

2. How We Use Your Info: Think of us as your personal shoppers. We use your info to make your shopping experience super smooth – from processing orders to keeping you in the loop about the latest styles.

3. Who's in the Loop: We've got a few friends who help us out – delivery pals, tech wizards, and marketing buddies. But don't worry, we don't spill the beans about you to anyone who isn't part of our fabulous crew.

4. Your Choices – Because You're the Star: Feel like a change? You're in charge! Tweak your account info, skip our emails if you're not in the mood, and even manage those cookie preferences – you know, the digital kind, not the chocolate chip ones.

5. Our Security Blanket: We're like your stylish guardian angels, doing our best to keep your info safe. While we can't promise hacker-proof security (who can?), we're pretty darn close.

6. Kid's Corner: Our style is more grown-up, so if you're under 13, this might not be the fashion party for you.

7. Mixin' It Up: Fashion evolves, and so does our privacy policy. We'll give you a heads up when we add some fresh flair – think of it like a wardrobe update for your privacy.

8. Let's Chat: Got questions or just want to share your latest fashion crush? Hit us up! Send an email, ring us up, or send a carrier pigeon – we're here for you.

Loads of love and cozy vibes,

Noida, 201301